The name ‘Blood Moon’ sounds like another needless deviation to arrive following a tumultuous 2020 that continues to bleed into...
Stacey Gregg’s thriller Here Before follows a woman’s obsessive grief and how her desire to reconnect with her deceased daughter upends the...
From Queensbury Pictures, those loveable psychopaths that brought you Girl On The Third Floor, comes an obsessive acid trip adventure into the annals of analog horror in Jacob Gentry’s Broadcast Signal Intrusion. Like a Videodrome for 90s kids, Broadcast Signal Intrusion is a maddening descent into a mysterious world of missing women and found...
I love me a good witch movie. Having cut my teeth on The Craft in the roaring ’90s, I spent...
In 1993, investigative reporter David Holthouse was undercover at a pot farm in Northern California. As you can imagine, David...
Full disclosure, I’ve never been to a single rave in my life. It’s not like the opportunity never came up, I just wasn’t interested in EDM or the designer drugs, at least not when raves were all the rage about ten years ago. But I have heard plenty of stories...
It’s hard being a second wife, particularly when the first is still haunting your husband. Haunting and Hijinks are on...
In 2021, almost no one is effectively capitalizing on the opportunity of a horror streaming service quite like Shudder. In...
As the world has learned to cope with the crippling anxieties and confusing comforts brought on by nearly a year of quarantining and distancing, the fear of isolation has brought on all new meanings to the horror genre. Blumhouse and Hulu have revived their holiday horror anthology series, Into The...
Heroics are often measured by grand advances of valiancy under dire circumstances and outstanding actions on the frontline. Simply being...
A glimpse into another world not too unlike our own isn’t exactly a novel format for the fantasy genre, but...
Every time I’ve sat down to watch the psychedelic cinematography of Alejandro Jodorowsky, it has been a life-changing experience. From the first time I watched the Holy Mountain by a complete fluke, I have been blown away by his keen eye for color and framing, not to mention his narratives...