Since its inception, Netflix’s original series Black Mirror has pushed the boundaries on exploring humanity and its connection to evolved...
It takes a lot of guts to tackle a slasher movie. With films like Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream...
Have you ever said, “I don’t want to get Final Destination’ed” or is that just me? Final Destination (2000) is one horror/thriller that truly sunk its claws into my psyche and hasn’t let go. To this day, I can’t see flights to Paris in the airport, take a glass of...
When it comes to current controversial figures from all over the world, the President of the United States holds a...
Although most are familiar with the “La Llorona” legend, this latest adaptation is a fresh take that tackles the complicated...
Between heirlooms and physical traits, we inherit a lot of things from our parents; not every one of those things is necessarily good, either. In some cases, succession can even seem like the Devil’s work. Based on the novel of the same name by author Donald Ray Pollock, The Devil All...
The creative process eventually becomes an art through those who condition their craft to produce something original. When it comes...
While we grow up being told appearance doesn’t matter, how we look ultimately affects our standing in the workplace. This...
Anything for Jackson is one of those films that calmly takes the tried and true exorcism and possession sub-genres and reinvents them in the most terrifyingly beautiful way. Equally saturated in love and grief as it is satanic rituals and ghosts, the film balances horror and heart with ease. Directed...
In 2021, almost no one is effectively capitalizing on the opportunity of a horror streaming service quite like Shudder. In...
In part two of Netflix’s Fear Street filled summer, we’re heading backwards in time to 1978 where our resident Shadyside...
Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, the duo responsible for the 2007 heart-stopping home invasion thriller Inside (À l’intérieur), have turned their attention toward the classic Boogeyman story in their newest feature Kandisha. Mathilde Lamusse, Samarcande Saadi, and Suzy Bemba star as a group of friends trying desperately to protect their...