The Old Ways follows Mexican American reporter Christina — and her journey to her homeland, Veracruz. However, she is abducted...
Best known as The Newton Brothers, Taylor Stewart and Andy Grush are composers well versed in the complexity of the...
[Review] Move Over CONJURING Fans, There’s A New Ghost In Town And She’s Haunting 32 MALASANA STREET
If you’ve been waiting patiently for another chill-you-to-the-bone haunted house story since James Wan’s The Conjuring first scared you silly, get ready to hide underneath your blankets while braving the Spanish-language scare factory that is 32 Malasana Street (Malasaña 32). Set against a backdrop of 1976 Madrid, a family becomes the...
October is, historically, a month full of an overwhelming amount of horror content to watch and enjoy as the Halloween...
The road to a finished film is paved with the long hours, expertise and dedication of dozens of specialized individuals....
The creative process eventually becomes an art through those who condition their craft to produce something original. When it comes to making something considerably fresh in film industry, nailing the right idea with the right people in the right setting is half the battle. Director, writer, and star Josh Ruben...
Tar has so many uses, especially in the construction of buildings and roads, so it’s about damn time it was...
I love a good haunted house film — the genre is my ghost loving horror fan addiction. But as rich...
It’s Greedy Guts month here on Nightmare on Film Street, and I’m on a real nostalgia kick. As you know, nostalgia is one hell of a drug. More often than not, we look back upon the films that had profound impacts on our lives years later, and realize that they’re...
Just like the inevitable grains of sand in your shoe after a trip to the beach, Jeffrey A. Brown’s debut...
Found footage films have always had an interesting relationship with film scores. Due to their inherent nature, it often makes...
Welcome back fiends the newest edition of Making a Monster! We’ve covered a wide array of movie monsters the past few months, from serial killers to mental projections of one messed up rabbit. This month, we’re going beyond what your typical definition of “movie monster” is to cover some of...