Mental illness is a monster in Addison Heimann’s supernatural thriller Hypochondriac. The debut feature from the director follows a young...
[#SXSW 2021 Interview] Director Mickey Keating Breaks Down The Ethereal Nightmare Logic of OFFSEASON
Mickey Keating is one of the most interesting and versatile indie filmmakers working in horror today. In the same way...
Alex Noyer’s Sound of Violence features some pretty elaborate deaths, tailor-made for the Midnight Madness crowd. Adapted from his short Conductor, the film follows a musician obsessively hunting for unique sounds to complete her symphony of destruction. Alexis, played by Jasmin Savoy Brown, experiences a rare sensory phenomenon known as Synesthesia that...
Little Marvin and Lena Waithe’s Prime Video series Them reimagines the struggle so many Black Americans have gone — and...
From Queensbury Pictures, those loveable psychopaths that brought you Girl On The Third Floor, comes an obsessive acid trip adventure...
Stacey Gregg’s thriller Here Before follows a woman’s obsessive grief and how her desire to reconnect with her deceased daughter upends the lives of everyone around her. It’s a twisting tale that holds its “supernatural” elements close to the chest, forever toying with the possibility of reincarnation. Unlike Jonathan Glazer’s Birth, Here Before never...
As a fan of Travis Stevens’s previous film, Girl On The Third Floor, I had a pretty good sense that Jakob’s...
If you’re anything like me, cartoons made specifically to fuck you up mentally are the best kind. Everyone’s nostalgic for...
Even in death, there is no peace for the weary or the ones they leave behind. Someone like Jocelin Donahue’s character in Offseason understands this sentiment. Mickey Keating’s new movie follows a lost woman caught in an uncanny situation after rushing off to her late mother’s birthplace. In time, though,...
Nick Gillespie’s dark comedy Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunch Break is as sweet as it is sinewy. It tugs on your heartstrings, tickles...
The horror genre has always been unparalleled in how it handles trauma, but even Alex Noyer’s first feature film Sound...
Like a MumbleGore re-imagining of John Carpenter’s The Thing set in the remote forest regions of South Africa, Gaia hints at a world on the brink of destruction. Life as we know it will cease to exist if the “monster” at the center of this psychedelic, dream-logic flick makes it’s way...