The 2018 Overlook Film Festival was proud to host the world premieres of several highly anticipated films this year. Among...
Slender Man, for millions of fans, is the king of Creepypasta, but Slender Man is not the film they’ve been waiting...
The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time premiered on SyFy last night to millions of eager viewers in what is said to be the final film of the franchise. I doubt anyone actually believes this will be the last we’ve heard from the Sharknado series but it will be strange to...
It was only a few short months ago Leprechaun: Returns silently crept into the horrorsphere (by that I mean Twitter...
Now, that practically every ‘80s horror franchise has had a comeback, it was only a matter of time before the...
Break out the Van Buren china and hide the TV. It’s easy to let your imaginations run wild when you try to picture an alien. Maybe you see the sleek, skeletal xenomorph Sigourney Weaver battled on the Nostromo. Or perhaps you picture E.T. hiding among stuffed animals. Now, if I asked you...
With Shark Week surfacing in the near future, there’s no better time to unleash the latest installment in the Deep...
It’s been a busy week for slasher fans with not one, but two bold re-imaginings of classic franchise favorites. First,...
Horror, what would we do without you? Without exaggeration, 2021 provided fans with one of the greatest slates of horror movies we’ve ever gotten. Big studio films and indie releases alike, the entire genre came out to play, transporting us away from the cruelties of real-life 2021 for a well-deserved...
Chucky, Annabelle, Slappy, Brahms and Billy – Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, creepy dolls have been a staple...
Cocaine Bear hits theatre this weekend! And in preparation for what is sure to be a rock-em sock-em gore-ride, we’re...
When it comes to naming the best shark movies, there’s no denying the iconic status of Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. But if you’ve already watched the adventures of Chief Brody and his toothy nemesis countless times, it’s time to dive into some fin-tastic alternatives. From deep-sea terror to B-movie brilliance, we’ve...