There was a time when Western horror routinely questioned religions and their followers. This heated subgenre criticized seemingly untouchable organizations...
The intense fear of the unknown is evident in Michael Nader’s directorial debut The Toll. The drive from the airport...
As Violation premiered at TIFF 2020 and Sundance 2021, co-directors Dusty Mancinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer revealed the inspiration for their debut feature....
I’m going to assume you’ve seen Ridley Scott’s Alien, but have you seen Ridley Scott’s Alien reenacted by the bus...
From Queensbury Pictures, those loveable psychopaths that brought you Girl On The Third Floor, comes an obsessive acid trip adventure...
If you’re anything like me, cartoons made specifically to fuck you up mentally are the best kind. Everyone’s nostalgic for...
Little Marvin and Lena Waithe’s Prime Video series Them reimagines the struggle so many Black Americans have gone — and...
Nick Gillespie’s dark comedy Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunch Break is as sweet as it is sinewy. It tugs on your heartstrings, tickles...