Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day and for those looking for something different, why not spice up the...
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As someone who’s a parent, an aunty, a teaching assistant in a primary school and an art technician in a...
If you’re a fan of horror movies, then you know that there’s nothing quite like the rush of fear and...
Every year is a good year for horror and 2022 gave us not only killer indie flicks but also some...
You don’t need a year-end list to tell you that Barbarian, or Scream, or Nope are movies worth checking out. Everybody...
Like it or not, Holiday season is upon us and for many that means travel. Going to meet up with...
The 2022 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival kicks off October 13 for 7 days of horror cinema guaranteed to melt your...
It’s that special time of year! Pumpkins are appearing on the neighbor’s porch steps, the leaves on the trees are...