Master of Suspense M. Night Shyamalan returns to movie theatres with apocalyptic tale of destruction Knock At The Cabin. Join...
Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day and for those looking for something different, why not spice up the...
As someone who’s a parent, an aunty, a teaching assistant in a primary school and an art technician in a high school, I’ve been exposed to more viruses than the clumsy lab tech at the beginning of an outbreak movie. Sickness bugs, flu, colds, COVID- I’ve had my fair share...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION Join your Holiday Horror hosts Kim & Jon as they close out their creepy Christmas double-feature...
A small town fights to stave off the apocalypse in David Hebrero’s Everyone Will Burn (Y todos arderán). Fans of...
Are you looking for horror movies on amazon prime? Don’t worry. We got you. Amazon Prime has definitely streamlined horror movie watching. But with so many options staring you in the face, ‘popping a movie on’ quickly turns into “scrolling to choose a movie to watch for an hour before...
It’s been argued that in the event of a global catastrophe, the human race will finally set aside their differences...
Directed by Marcus Dunstan, Unhuman is the unhinged after-school special every young horror nerd (myself included) would have loved to...
Ride-sharing with strangers can be enough of a challenge on a good day, so cross your fingers your next trip isn’t happening in the middle of a ruthless alien invasion. That’s exactly the scenario 4 strangers find themselves fighting through in Raúl Cerezo & Fernando González Gómez’s debut feature The...
Festival darling Gustavo Hernandez (The Silent House) is back with his latest thrill ride Virus :32. Paula Silva stars as...
Welcome back to Wyrmwood you filthy animals! The high octane sequel to Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead re-enters the world of...
Don’t you just hate it when you’ve booked a nice weekend getaway with the girls, and a smelly turtle alien crashes the party? Ughh I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to argue with Airbnb about why I want a refund after fighting a telekinetic creature that tried...