I’m a huge advocate of watching movies while under the influence. I believe occasionally taking psychedelic drugs before a viewing heightens the experience, depending on the film of course. However, drugs may not be required when viewing Ryan Kruger’s debut feature Fried Barry. The act of watching the South African...
With Shark Week surfacing in the near future, there’s no better time to unleash the latest installment in the Deep Blue Sea franchise. That’s right, the glorious 1999 blockbuster spawned its first sequel only two years ago. While the last movie left sharkophiles utterly disappointed, the newest entry easily outswims...
When analyzing the meaning of the word “relic”, one will find descriptions such as “object surviving from an earlier time”, “object of reverence”, “all that is left of something”. It is a word that evokes a somber tone all its own, labeling the memory of what once was, but is...
The horror genre has always been used as a way to contextualize real-life problems. The more aware people become of the injustices around them, the more they channel their frustrations through their art. Body Cam is a glaring example of this. The movie is a direct response to ongoing discourse...