In the crammed video aisle of supernatural horror films, the introduction of a villainous teddy bear in Imaginary might initially...
All aboard! Our destination? The mysterious and infamous Queen Mary ocean-liner in California, a ship with a storied history. Once...
Nightmare on Film Street, a horror movie podcast and one of the leading Film/TV Review Podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, announces its “Graveyard Smash” limited podcast series; revisiting the classic Universal Monster films of yesteryear, and comparing them to their modern-day successors! The bi-weekly series will explore several films...
The origins of evil are exposed (sort of) in Orphan: First Kill, from The Boy director William Brent Bell. While Jaume Collet-Serra’s...
Justin Kurzel’s Nitram is a psychological biopic focusing on the gunman responsible for Australia’s largest mass shooting. The event changed gun...
The horror genre is no stranger to controversial material and oftentimes invites it home, promising a deeper conversation and maybe a lesson or two. Writer and director Emerald Fennell (Killing Eve) delves into the darker side of connection with her rape-revenge portrait, Promising Young Woman. As the title describes, “Everyone...
SPOILER ALERT: I don’t actually want you to read this review of Hunter Hunter. Everything that I enjoyed about this movie...
Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into...
What does Thanksgiving really mean? Is it all about obnoxious feasting? Family turmoil? Idle device fixation? Superficial displays? Whitewashed genocide? Blumhouse and Hulu’s year-long holiday horror anthology, Into The Dark, continues to drive home the notion that families are still important in America, but questions the quality and meaning of...
“What frame of any film has been more iconic?” asks Forrest Burgess, co-host of the Astonishing Legends podcast. “We all...
Think zom-coms are dead? Think again. The horror genre has witnessed consistent waves of zombified villains since Victor Halperin first...
There is something every horror fan understands – the world needs to laugh at terrible things. Not a horror film at all, but a darkly whimsical satire, Jojo Rabbit forces the world to laugh at very real, very terrible things. With its corners softened and warning sweetened with comedy, writer/director...