Quinn Armstrong’s Survival Skills celebrated it’s International Premiere at the 2020 Fantasia Film Festival. It’s a delightfully dark oddity of a films...
In the turmoil-fueled hellscape that is 2020, I’ve found myself more than ever turning to movies (and specifically, horror movies)...
A road trip alone can be a freeing experience for some or a lonely ordeal for others, but one never expects it to be a deadly encounter. There are plenty of unforeseen troubles that hide within the vast masses of trees and mountain areas bordering the pavement that the prospect...
Horror movies and Halloween go together like caramel on apples. Like orange and black. Like pumpkins and triangle faces. Like...
Director and producer, McG (Charlie’s Angels) has a true appreciation for cinema of all kinds, making his long list of...
Whenever I watch a vampire movie, I always wonder what it would be like to live forever. I personally don’t see the appeal. Mortal life is dull as it is, why would I want it to last for as long as possible? Immortal is a collection of stories that reflect...
While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
Earlier this year, in February, the horror community lost an icon. Filmmaker José Mojica Marins, known for his macabre character...
Indie film is firing on all cylinders when it’s at its most ambitious, and that’s exactly what you’re in for with For The Sake of Vicious. Indie Horror is never a surprise in the low-budget market but Indie Action is another thing altogether. Action sequences are complicated, they require significantly more...
Lloyd Kaufman is a pioneer of independent cinema. For more than 45 years, his B-movie studio Troma Entertainment has been...
It’s been 24 years since the release of Tromeo and Juliet (and it still blows my mind that James Gunn...
I remember interning at Fantasia three years ago and attending the Frontieres Market, a place for filmmakers to pitch ideas and rake in funding for their next project. While walking around the crowded room aimlessly, I was handed a postcard, advertising a movie called Slaxx, with the subtitle “An ass...