Happy Ho ho horrordays! As the jingle bells start to ring and the snow begins to fall, Nightmare on Film...
In the shadowy corners of the horror genre, where slashers and ghost stories reign supreme, there lurks a movie that’s...
In the vast, shadowy world of horror cinema, some films scream so loud they drown out the whispers of many underrated horror movies. These hidden gems, lurking in the less-trodden paths of the genre, deserve a spotlight for their unique takes on terror. From slow-burn psychological thrillers to bizarre journeys...
In a world where horror often means a bucket of blood and a masked guy with a machete, sometimes the...
Thanksgiving: a time for gratitude, family, and, let’s not forget, some deliciously dark Thanksgiving horror movies to spice up the...
Craving a twist of sophistication with your shivers? Ready to traverse beyond the beaten path of mainstream frights and into the realm of cinematic sophistication? Enter the captivating world of arthouse horror—where the terror is thoughtful, the visuals are visionary, and every scare is steeped in style. We’ve handpicked a...
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a movie labeled “horror” must be in want of a ghost, ghoul, or masked...
On this Halloween-tastic episode of the Nightmare on Film Street Horror Movie Podcast, we’re galloping back in time to the...
Stephen Cognetti, the creator behind the spooktacular Hell House LLC series, cranks up the dread yet again in his latest installment, Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor. While The Abaddon Hotel from earlier films in the series has become a hallmark of terror for the franchise, this new installment...
In the age of Alexa and Siri, it’s not hard to imagine a world where machines rule. But what if...
On this week’s episode of the Nightmare on Film Street Horror Podcast, we’re exploring the legends of Halloween Hollows, starting...
The world of horror movies is a vast, eerie domain, and venturing into it with a reliable guide is imperative. Among the legion of scream queens and horror heroes, there’s one who’s tiptoed through the genre more than a handful of times while still carving out dramatic cred in Hollywood....