Nyla Innuksuk’s Slash/Back is an alien-infested sci-fi thriller set in a remote Innuit village of Nunavut, Canada. After encountering an alien creature...
The tundra is a ripe spot for terror. And, an underutilized one at that. Boasting an expansive, underdeveloped landscape, isolation,...
I’ve got another confession to make. I am not the biggest Foo Fighters fan. However, as far as rockstars go, I have nothing but admiration for Dave Grohl and his bandmates. So of course, when I heard that the Foo Fighters would star in their own feature-length horror-comedy Studio 666,...
DESCRIPTION: On this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street we close out their Space Invaders double feature with the...
Horror, what would we do without you? Without exaggeration, 2021 provided fans with one of the greatest slates of horror...
Despite what your pocket watch may tell you, time doesn’t always move forward, and it certainly doesn’t heal all wounds. Autumn Road begins with young twin brothers Charlie and Vincent (Ranger and Jonas Lerway) outside of their father’s family-owned haunted house. Before the attraction opens for Halloween night, the brothers’ father takes Vincent and Winnie (Maddie...
The nightmare begins again with Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a new cinematic adaptation of the popular video game series....
Were you bitten by a giant dog recently? Have your K9 teeth been growing unexpectedly? Were you recently warned by...
Michael Myers returns to Haddonfield for another round of tricks and treats (and murders!) in Halloween Kills, David Gordon Green’s follow-up to his 2018 slasher revamp Halloween. Like every slasher sequel that came before it, Halloween Kills features a higher body count, a whole host of new characters, and a deeper exploration...
If you’ve listened to the recent episodes of the Nightmare On Film Street podcast, you might have noticed the topic...
Like a MumbleGore re-imagining of John Carpenter’s The Thing set in the remote forest regions of South Africa, Gaia hints at...
“She’s actually evil. Not ‘high school’ evil.” We are nearing the end of February here at Nightmare on Film Street, a month dedicated to women in horror and their impact across the genre! For this edition of Making a Monster, we’re looking at a sacrifice to Satan gone sour, demon...