Is there anything more terrifying to a teen girl than coming into adulthood? I think not. Cinema has often used...
Blumhouse’s newest supernatural horror Stephanie is finally getting a wide release, landing on DVD this week. An unfortunately quiet release, but...
Porno is an absolutely hilarious little movie from director Keola Racela about a group of born-again Christian teens under the spell of an evil force they unwittingly unleash after watching a sexy mysterious film. There are no prayers that can protect you from the sidesplitting humor of of this gory, hormone-fueled...
Going into a movie blind is my favorite way to discover a film. Nowadays, we carry spoiler boxes in our...
Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman’s Extra Ordinary is a delightfully charming Irish comedy and quite possibly the cutest ghost story ever made....
Pizza, Satan, and secret societies. I’m hard-pressed to think of a horror-cocktail more universally inviting. It’s no surprise Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic was the top of Overlook 2019 festivalgoer’s Must-See lists. Pizza and mayhem are our kryptonite. Written by spooky wordsmith Grady Hendrix (author of Paperbacks From Hell, Horrorstor, My...
Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans. The second film...
Anyone who has seen Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (read: everyone) knows there is nothing more terrifying than snow when combined with...
Travis Stevens’ Girl On The Third Floor takes the classic haunted house framework and weaves an original story that pulls from some of the darkest moments of our past. Written and directed by Travis Stevens, the film stars Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sarah Brooks, Elissa Dowling, and WWE Champion C.M. Punk. Nightmare...
With James Wan being recruited to big superhero Blockbusters, horror fans have been left to quench their thirst for terrifying...
Brandon Christensen’s Still/Born was named Scariest Feature at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival. His second feature Z celebrated its world premiere at the...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana. And though the fest has garnered quite the name for itself as a home of new and groundbreaking genre premieres, it is also home...