Eli Horowitz’s debut feature Gone In The Night (originally titled “The Cow“) is a quirky, contained mystery that features a surprisingly...
Spanish cult film Arrebato (“Rapture” in English) is re-emerging from the sands of time, thanks to a new 4K restoration from Altered...
It’s been a busy week for slasher fans with not one, but two bold re-imaginings of classic franchise favorites. First, of course, was David Gordon Green’s Halloween Kills, which has taken the Michael Myers mythos into murky waters for an often heavy-handed dialog about the destructive nature of trauma. And while...
DESCRIPTION: We’ve all developed some unhealthy eating habits in the last year but thankfully TikTok never caught wind of this...
We are now only a few short days away from the release of James Wan’s Malignant. The imaginary friend horror...
Do you ever look back at who you were in high school and cringe at how you dressed, how you spoke, and how you acted? Do you feel like you’re overcompensating in the present to make up for how you were in the past? As King Knight proves, our past...
Everyone knows slumber parties at grandma’s always lead to horrific outcomes. M Night Shyamalan’s The Visit (2016), The Taking of...
I’m just gonna cut to the chase. There are only two reasons you are reading a review for James Gunn’s The Suicide...
In 2016, video game company Ubisoft decided to capitalize on the classic party game Werewolf by turning it into a VR horror experience they called Werewolves Within. Now, Ubisoft has gone a step further, turning the game that once ran simply on the imagination of spooky nerds into a feature length film, which...
Agnes is not quite like any other possession movie you’ve likely seen. It follows a lot of the same beats...
DESCRIPTION: It’s 2021, and jeans are a scary prospect. You haven’t worn them in a year and who knows if...
It’s silly that a movie like Godzilla vs. Kong wasn’t nominated for Best Picture. Sure, we’re well past the cut-off date, and it’s a huge stretch to assume the Academy would ever award a giant computer-rendered monkey a tiny little gold statue, but I’m officially calling this a snub. Big monkies...