If you were watching NOFS’s coverage of this year’s Fantasia Fest, you no doubt are already familiar with 12 Hour...
Tar has so many uses, especially in the construction of buildings and roads, so it’s about damn time it was...
The lights are down, all of my candy is unwrapped, and a guy I’ve never met before won’t stop telling me he sang on the Grand Ole Opry, which can only mean one thing: it’s time for Screaming In Harmony, where we shine the spotlight on all manner of monstrous musical...
The slasher has outlasted its presumed expiration date, and then some. The golden age of this divisive subgenre is certainly...
I remember interning at Fantasia three years ago and attending the Frontieres Market, a place for filmmakers to pitch ideas...
The “us versus them” mentality is well and alive in Get Duked!, an effervescent gem from across the pond. Originally titled Boyz in the Wood, Ninian Doff’s debut feature follows a waged war between two very different generations. Get Duked! centers around school lads being rounded up for the Duke of Edinburgh...
This month at Nightmare On Film Street is Hot As Hell. We’re talking all about that warm place down in...
The stakes have never been higher for Bill & Ted than they are in Bill & Ted Face The Music. Sure, they’ve...
You might think comedy is the genre for “weird families,” but I’d argue it’s horror. From The Texas Chainsaw Massacre dinner table to the Fireflys‘ freakshow, this genre is rife with crazy, cringey, commonly incestuous clans. Director Sidarth Srinivasan taps into that familiar trope for his 2020 Fantasia Fest entry,...
Guess who’s coming to dinner? It’s not Sidney Poitier. No, it’s some no-good punk with a weird haircut, who will...
Iconic can mean a lot of things, and certainly in the horror genre it has its own plethora of films,...
Have you ever watched a Godzilla movie and wondered what he would taste like? Probably very gamey and radiated. But cooked the right way, the King of the Monsters might be very tasty. Monster Seafood Wars (originally 三大怪獣グルメ) explores this possibility. It’s the latest zany project from writer/director Minoru Kawasaki,...