Borderline wants to be a chaotic thrill ride—a pulpy, twisted home-invasion thriller where a deranged stalker traps a pop star...
Step into the shadows in The Boogeyman (2023), a spine-tingling horror film based on the short story by the legendary...
M Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin promises the end of the world ..and not much else. The film follows a loving family, queer couple Eric (Jonathan Groff) & Andrew (Ben Aldridge) and their adopted daughter Wen (Kristen Cui), who must confront a group of end-of-the-world cultists that invade their...
Titane is the femme-powered cannon that’s been taking the festival season by storm, and rightly so. Written and directed by...
If there’s a genre that’s hip with the times, it’s definitely horror. Killing kids on Facebook before your grandma even...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler times”), the A24 dark fantasy epic lured us horror fiends in with an ambiguously sinister trailer; promising a foreboding epic set during the height of knights, mead, muddy floors, and...
In part two of Netflix’s Fear Street filled summer, we’re heading backwards in time to 1978 where our resident Shadyside...
Chuck E. Cheese needs to be taken down a peg. I don’t have anything against the mouse personally, but his...
The horror genre is no stranger to controversial material and oftentimes invites it home, promising a deeper conversation and maybe a lesson or two. Writer and director Emerald Fennell (Killing Eve) delves into the darker side of connection with her rape-revenge portrait, Promising Young Woman. As the title describes, “Everyone...
SPOILER ALERT: I don’t actually want you to read this review of Hunter Hunter. Everything that I enjoyed about this movie...
It feels like every studio movie nowadays wants to be Iron Man. That is, to be a big-budget venture into...
[Review] A Small-Town Murder Mystery Undergoes A Monstrous Transformation in THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW
If you wanted to, you could view the “Horror Vs. Thriller” debate about The Silence of the Lambs to be a testament to the movie’s power. If it’s a horror movie, it’s paced as well as the best of thrillers. If it’s a thriller, then it’s one of the most...