Step into the shadows in The Boogeyman (2023), a spine-tingling horror film based on the short story by the legendary...
M Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin promises the end of the world ..and not much else. The film follows...
Titane is the femme-powered cannon that’s been taking the festival season by storm, and rightly so. Written and directed by Julia Ducournau, who marks her return to body horror after her breakout feature Raw in 2016. Titane cracks open like an egg from the start; bold, gooey, and unapologetic....
If there’s a genre that’s hip with the times, it’s definitely horror. Killing kids on Facebook before your grandma even...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler...
In part two of Netflix’s Fear Street filled summer, we’re heading backwards in time to 1978 where our resident Shadyside teens and tweens have flocked to CAMP NIGHTWING, where oh no, a crazed killer stalks the grounds. Though mostly playing out like a standalone film, Fear Street Part 2: 1978...
Chuck E. Cheese needs to be taken down a peg. I don’t have anything against the mouse personally, but his...
The horror genre is no stranger to controversial material and oftentimes invites it home, promising a deeper conversation and maybe...
SPOILER ALERT: I don’t actually want you to read this review of Hunter Hunter. Everything that I enjoyed about this movie was something I didn’t know was coming and I would hate to steal those Holy Shit! moments away from you. It seems counterintuitive to say “don’t bother reading this thing I...
It feels like every studio movie nowadays wants to be Iron Man. That is, to be a big-budget venture into...
[Review] A Small-Town Murder Mystery Undergoes A Monstrous Transformation in THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW
If you wanted to, you could view the “Horror Vs. Thriller” debate about The Silence of the Lambs to be...
Animation is a gorgeous medium ripe for horror picking but is so often assumed to be saved for children’s content. While shows like The Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy are treated as adult animation anomalies, there is so much more to the world of animation particularly when it comes...