Hospitals are scary places. They’re where we’re most vulnerable. Either we’re visiting someone who’s sick or, even worse, we are...
Every new year of Horror begins and ends at the Sundance Film Festival. It’s maybe not the first festival that...
Poe is a hard nut to crack. An enigmatic figure of melancholic prose with a life (and death) as dark and mysterious as the tales he wove, is a coveted character in modern-day storytelling; whether to emulate or downright fictionalize. Films have attempted to insert an imagined Edgar Allan Poe...
Every year is a good year for horror and 2022 gave us not only killer indie flicks but also some...
The 2022 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival kicks off October 13 for 7 days of horror cinema guaranteed to melt your...
Every Hellraiser fan’s greatest fear is that a new Hellraiser movie will be nothing but pain and agony. And I mean, they always kind of are but only because the iconic villains at the center of these sadomasochistic scare-a-thons feed on sweet, sweet suffering. But let me be the first hundredth person to tell...
I’ve long been fascinated about how horror cinema and musical genre crossover. Music fans can discover their new favorite movie...
This review was originally published as part of our 2021 Fantasia Film Festival coverage. Filmmaking is a family affair for...
Fantastic Fest is upon us again and delta variant be damned, Austin City’s celebration of cinema kicks off this Thursday. COVID has once again put a wrench in the plans (surprise, surprise) but the festival still boasts one of the best lineups of the year. The programming at Fantastic Fest...
[#Fantasia2021 Review] Occult Indie Horror HELLBENDER puts Mother-Daughter Relationships to the Test
Filmmaking is a family affair for the creators behind indie horror Hellbender. Who better to conjure a film about the...
Director David Bruckner has an undeniable ability to craft eerie, slow-building scares and that talent is on full display in...
Do you ever look back at who you were in high school and cringe at how you dressed, how you spoke, and how you acted? Do you feel like you’re overcompensating in the present to make up for how you were in the past? As King Knight proves, our past...