The name ‘Blood Moon’ sounds like another needless deviation to arrive following a tumultuous 2020 that continues to bleed into 2021, but it is actually a pretty fascinating occurrence. Setting the scene for Blumhouse and Hulu’s holiday horror anthology and the season finale of Into The Dark, this year’s total...
In 2021, almost no one is effectively capitalizing on the opportunity of a horror streaming service quite like Shudder. In addition to their many acquisitions they’ve been creating a plethora of original content, and if you’re in the mood for a social media-inspired horror then Shook might be right up...
The gremlin-infested WWII thriller Shadow in The Clouds kicks the new year into high gear with a harrowing, oo-rah thrill ride from 20,000 feet. It’s a movie that, first and foremost, has a great monster (a really great monster!) but also a MacGuffin that feels a little out of place in the...
Continuing to build up the stories of its collection, literally and figuratively, Blumhouse and Amazon Studios’ chilling series Welcome To The Blumhouse enters another level of family-focused nightmares. The films Evil Eye and Nocturne quarter off the entries of the house, each bringing a poignant sense of storytelling to the...