Directed by Joe Marcantonio, who co-wrote the film with Jason McLogoan, Kindred stars Tamara Lawrance as a recently widowed and newly pregnant...
It took millions of years of evolution for homo sapiens to become the dominant species. But if other animal species...
I’d always like to think that if I ever had to fight, like in a life or death situation, that...
A lot of people say they smoke pot to relax. But what if every time you lit up a fat...
In Diego Freitas’ directorial debut My Dead Ones, Nicolas Prattes plays a shy film student named Davi. He spends most...
There’s a certain finesse, a careful craft, that should be applied whenever a filmmaker decides to revisit a considerably popular...
While we grow up being told appearance doesn’t matter, how we look ultimately affects our standing in the workplace. This...
Of the many torture devices of the Dark Ages, few measure up to the Iron Maiden. The coffin-like structure is...