The Seeding, written and directed by Barnaby Clay, takes audiences on a slow-burn journey into a desolate desert canyon where...
71 results for
fantasia 2021
Are you tired of scrolling through endless options on Amazon Prime without finding anything compelling enough to commit? Look no...
As someone who’s a parent, an aunty, a teaching assistant in a primary school and an art technician in a...
Every year is a good year for horror and 2022 gave us not only killer indie flicks but also some...
Andy Mitton, who shocked Fantasia attendees with his 2018 ghost story The Witch In The Window, returns to the festival...
With the holidays looming near, many of us have to start considering our travel plans. Maybe you read my last...
A small town fights to stave off the apocalypse in David Hebrero’s Everyone Will Burn (Y todos arderán). Fans of...
On September 18, 1987, Clive Barker unleashed a new kind of hell for a modern-day horror audience. Hellraiser encapsulates a...